- Define GRATITUDE in a WORD doc
- Look up definitions and examples of/for GRATITUDE online
- Add to your definition
- Share at your tables
- Write a tweet or a comment on the Gratitude blog post
- Include #12DaysofGratitude and @wawhsroom121 in your Tweet
Here are the prompts for each of the 12 days:
Day 1: Be Thankful. Thankful for waking up, getting out of bed and starting a new day….just being able to breathe. What are you thankful for about WHS?
Day 2: Be happy. Be happy with who you are. Look in the mirror and your reflection. Make sure you are the best YOU. Like that person in the mirror….no, LOVE that person in the mirror. You are unique, put on this earth for a purpose. Be happy with you. What makes you happy today?
Day 3: Be generous to someone. Generosity isn’t giving away money. It can be something very simple as helping someone solve a problem, listening to a friend vent, supporting someone in need with a kind word. What act of generosity have you done recently or how will you show generosity to someone today?
Day 4: Today is the 70th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Go to #HumanRightsDay or #Standup4HumanRights and read some tweets. Find one that represents how you feel about this day and retweet it (if you are signed in) with a comment. Make sure to add appropriate hashtags and our classroom account @wawhsroom121 OR copy the tweet and add it to the comments below with an explanation of why you choose it.
Day 5: Reflect often. It is important to reflect on how gratitude actually appears in your life. Ask Yourself “What have I received from others?”
Day 6: Reflect often. It is important to reflect on how gratitude actually appears in your life. Ask Yourself “What have I given to others?”
Day 7: Use your senses. Through our senses—the ability to touch, see, smell, taste, and hear—we gain an appreciation of what it means to be human and of what an incredible miracle it is to be alive. What have you noticed recently about the world around you that you are grateful for?
Day 8: Focus on What You Have Rather Than What You Don’t Have. There is always going to be someone out there who is smarter, better looking, has more money, more successful, but if you focus on the negatives of what you don’t have, you are missing the true celebration of the abundance that you DO have. What is one abundance in your life today?
Day 9: Celebrate good health. What is good health? A day where you have slept well, are pain-free and have lots of energy. Treat your body well; it’s the only one you have. Meditate for five minutes, relax and take deep breathes and focus your energies on the positives in your life. What about your health are you grateful for today?
Day 10: Give Love. If you are full of gratitude you are also full of love. Love is free to give, so give out some love today. Hug a friend, call or text someone you know is lonely or depressed. Laugh with your classmates. How will you remember to give love today?
Day 11: Use reminders. To help you sustain the habit of gratitude use a variety of strategies like
We put things on our refrigerators as reminders – that dental appointment, the date and time of Auntie’s arrival, etc. We also need reminders about gratitude. Make a few signs with just the word “Gratitude” on them; print them out and place them around your room and your school locker with what you’re grateful for.
Put a Trinket in Your Pocket
Lots of people carry “worry stones.” These are smooth, indented stones that one can hold and rub a thumb on when they are worried. Why not have a gratitude stone? You can reach in your pocket several times a day, and there it is, reminding you to make a statement of gratitude.
Pay it Forward
As you remind yourself of the things for which you are grateful, ask yourself if there is something you can do for someone else as an outward expression of the good you have in your life. It doesn’t matter if it is something as small as opening the door for an elder or letting someone cut in front of you in a line-up.
Express Gratitude to Others
Each day, think of someone to whom you can and should say thank you. It may be a random call to your grandmother or text a family member that has moved away. Tell people that you appreciate them – you will have made their day.
Keep a Journal
Throughout your day, as you think of things you are grateful for, jot them down. At the end of your day, read through that list.
What strategy will you work on now to help you learn to be grateful?
Day 12: Be at peace. This is your reward for practicing 11 days of gratitude! Gratitude revives your brain, it rewires you to celebrate everything you have in your life and will give you emotional happiness. Let go of all your “stuff”, get out of your own way and make a change for 2019 by focusing on gratitude. What do you wish for in 2019?
See the #12DaysofGratitude for inspiration.
I am grateful for having good technology stuff with good internet connection #12daysofgratitude
I am grateful that in our community, we have our own school to attend. We get to be close to our homes while attending school.
I am thankful for the very large gymnasium that our community band managed to get funded those 20 years ago.
I am grateful for having a school to go and to learn on a daily basis `\_(“/)_/’
real gud guy
‘\_(“/)_/” kin ben
I’m grateful for my friends, family, school and community; surly I would become depressed and lonely without them, for humans are social ‘animals’. The ability to accept one another as a friend and care for them instead of concerning about ones self is the act of selflessness.
I am grateful for learning something useful and improving anywhere possible.
I am grateful for our school in our community as it gives everyone the opportunity to go to school and get an education and I am also thankful and appreciative for the caring teachers and staff and their motives to learning and giving the youth knowledge. I’m grateful for the many opportunities at WHS.
I am thankful for the school putting on activities like basketball and ball hockey #12daysofgratitude.
I am thankful for our school activities that happen in our school and our gym we get to play in every day. and our school feast we had #12daysofgratitude
I am thankful for most of the events that are hosted at our high school. Events such as The WHS Three on Three tournament’s, Hot chocolate day and pancake day.
I am grateful for my parents because I wouldn’t have anything if it wasn’t for them. I am also thankful for my school and all the teachers that wake up early in the morning to come and make me a better human being. but I am most grateful for my family if I didn’t have a family I wouldn’t have nothing and that is what I am grateful for
I am grateful for clean water, fresh air and roof over my head. my family that shows me how to be grateful as well, without them I wouldn’t be they way I am today. I am grateful to have not been born like this. once we realize that all that we really own is a body and mind we really have been given too much.
I am thankful for WHS in general. All the classes we have and the teachers that teach us new vocabulary, lessons and important information etc.
I’m thankful that our community has its own school system for local kids.
I am thankful to have a weight room at WHS. Working out makes me feel lifted and great about myself. so yeah I’m thankful for the weight room and gym class. Also all the teachers because they show up here everyday to teach us what we need to learn and prepare for collage or university.
I’m grateful for this school gave me many different opportunities to give me many different careers I can go into. That teachers are willing to teach me the education so that I can do well for myself. I’m also thankful for my friends at school giving me joy when feeling down. Finally, when I have a great job I can reflect on my education so I know that it was WHS that Educated me to have a great life.
What I’m thankful for in our school is the teachings we are given to do with our culture such as our Native Language, Native studies, Native art etc… I am also thankful for the opportunities we are given around here like our sports, robotics, knitting, WHS Three’s etc… I am thankful and grateful for this school because it’s in our own community, a native school, getting our proper education and this school is helping us with our own learning and understanding to help us with our future lives.
i am grateful for having our own school in the community and having great educators, and the resources we have. Also for including our culture in the school such as Native Language, Native studies, signs with language on it etc…..
My friends make me happy, I woke up today next to my dog; my absolute best friend. Now I’m at school and I get to share my learning journey to adult-hood with my friends. My friends make me happy and for that I am grateful.
I am happy about being able to play video games when I get home from school. I am grateful to see my family every single, granted they can a little much but that’s family amirite? #12daysofgratitude @wasseabinwhs
Today I am about being positive and learning as much as I can in this one day and will do as much as I can for others. I am grateful for being here. #12daysofgratitude @wasseabinwhs
Today i am grateful for having our own school with a free breakfast that is provided for us every morning. I am happy today for being able to have a 10 hour sleep
#12daysofGratitude Today, I am happy about waking up in time to get to school and to get on the bus. This makes me grateful about myself.
today i am happy for my good breakfast, i am very grateful.
#12daysofgratitude I am happy that i am able to play sports and be athletic #wasseabinwhs
#12daysofgraditude @wikyhighschool I am thankful for all the time i have to spare
Today I am happy to be myself and that I am doing my best in grade 9 and that I have been believing in myself more lately and approaching things with a positive attitude. I am grateful for whs #12daysofgratitude @wasseabinwhs
I’m happy about the sports we have at WHS, also getting to play volleyball yesterday.
I am happy that i got to wake up this morning at home.
Today i’m happy for all the friends that i have around me
i am happy about learning something new everyday.
Today I’m happy because I got to start off my day with my friends that make me laugh and smile. I’m also happy because Erika gave me hot chocolate.
i am happy because my son is the sweetest cause he shared his juice with me yesterday and he gave me a hug and kiss yesterday,
I am happy that I come to school on the daily and on time. I learn new things everyday especially in Math and my OLC course with Ms. Balen.
Today I am happy for who I am and having all this motivation to come to school and get my education getting myself prepared for my future.
I hold the door for other students and family members. I like helping people because I don’t want to be mean.
I will be generous by giving myself some good sleep tonight.
Today i will be generous by opening the door for people and say have a good day.
Today i will be generous by holding the door for people and say have a good day. #12daysofgradtitude @wasseabinwhs
I am grateful for having friends that I can joke around with and aren’t too serious about anything and having family I can talk too seriously. #12daysofgratitude @wasseabinwhs
The kindness of people can be shown through generosity. So, to show my generosity, I will help my dad through is cold and keep him well. #12daysofgatitude @wasseabinwhs
Today i will be kind and listen to my friends #12daysofGratitude
Today I will be generous by not talking while others are trying to learn. #12daysofgratitude @wasseabinwhs
today I will be as positive as I can toward others and be generous as too listen to others and help them out in their time of need #12daysofgratitude @wasseabinwhs
#12daysofgratitude I am generous by sharing and being nice to people and being helpful
I’ll be generous by bringing can food items into the school for those who cant or don’t have food.
this one time I think I was generous by helping a guy on the streets by giving his dog some food and giving him treats, and I will be generous by giving a Christmas presents to one of my good friends #12daysofgratitude
#12DaysofGratitude Day 3, Generosity. Every Winter when the heavy snow falls I Shovel the driveway before my grandpa gets home from a long day of hard work, that way he doesn’t have to work again but instead he can just relax. I love my grandpa because he does a lot for me. Since my Grandpa does a lot for me i surprise him by cleaning, cutting wood, Shovelling the driveway and Doing his laundry . @wasseabinwhs
today i handed out some Christmas cake because Christmas cake is so good. I thought i be generous to share my cake.
i will be generous by being helpful
Day 3. I listen to a friend vent.. almost every day
but i give her advice. help her in her time of need.
On this day, I showed my generosity to my classmates during art class by assisting them with the work they didn’t understand or didn’t know how to do it. I will continue showing my generosity in every way I can.
70 years later and people are still being treated like they are less than another. and they shouldn’t because they are human like everyone else. you cant take one out of the billions of people and say “this is a human”.
70 years ago today the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was born out of the ashes of the #Holocaust, which continues to show the world what happens when we look the other away. #NeverAgain was the cry that rose & we must never forget #StandUp4HumanRights #UDHR70
Don’t forget Standing Bear this #HumanRightsDay who fought the U.S. for his freedom after they stole his land and exterminated his children on the Ponca Trail of Tears
He won a landmark decision becoming the first Native American with civil rights — 14 years AFTER the Civil War!
I chose this tweet because i agree with this message
#12daysofgratitude #standupforhumanrights
Every human person, created in God’s image and likeness, is a value unto themselves and is subject to inalienable rights. #HumanRightsDay by Pope Francis@pontifex
I chose this tweet because it talks about rights and being created for a reason
On #HumanRightsDay, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of #HumanRights. May the Declaration continue to guide the world’s nations to greater peace, dignity & justice in the years to come. #StandUp4HumanRights #UDHR70UN Human Rights added,
Education. It’s not a privilege. It’s not a luxury. It’s a fundamental human right of every woman, man and child!
On #HumanRightsDay, and every day, join UNESCO’s call to make the #RightToEducation a reality for everyone!
I chose this message because i agree with the message.

Human rights belong to everyone. Let’s #StandUp4HumanRights and make a difference this @UNHumanRights #HumanRightsDay.
Link to tweet:
I chose this tweet because I agree that human right belong to everyone and that we shall stand up for them.
@wawhsroom121 #12daysofgratitude #humanrightsday #standup4humanrights
Today is #HumanRightsDay.
We’ve come a long way, but there’s still a way to go.
Today, like every other day, we #StandUp4HumanRights and for the LGBT+ community, in London and around the world. By Pride in London
Verified account
2h2 hours ago
I chose this paragraph because the world has come so far but there’s still a long ways to go. I also chose it because community’s, culture, and Sexuality is a human rights issues all over the world not only in one country or city. #HumanRightsDay
It’s #HumanRightsDay So let’s pledge for gender equality.
We owe it to the next generations to strive for a nation where men have voice, laws, budgets and ministry and enjoy d same rights as women.
Brothers, sons, fathers & husbands are human too.
i choose this tweet because it talks about gender equality
On #HumanRightsDay let us remember those who have been persecuted because of their ethnicity, faith & political beliefs. The rights of one man/woman denied, undermines the rights of us all. Today, we #StandUp4HumanRights until all people can freely enjoy their inalienable rights. -Atiku Abubakar
I chose this tweet because it talks about people who died because their human rights weren’t protected and to be grateful that our human rights are protected to this day.
I received a lot of gifts in my life, but the best gifts aren’t physical. My parents gifted me their time and love; my friends gifted me their friendship and trust. I’m very blessed and for that I am grateful.
I am grateful for everything even just getting to exist is a lot because people go through hard times and i’m glad other people took the time to help me be were i am now
#12daysofgraditude @wasseabinwhs I am thankful for sugar spice and everything nice
Day 5: What have i received from other? I have received many of things from others weather its teaching, gifts or even just the kindness of their heart. But today i have received the knowledge of education from our school teachers who help us to be the best we can be.
Day 5: Reflection – What do i receive for others? i get a warm house to stay in from my parents, i get some good food on the table everyday, i got my teachers for helping me when i dont understand the work. i am thankfulf for everything
“What have I received from others?” #12DaysofGratitude
I receive fresh cut wood and a warm fire made by my grandpa. Sometimes
I receive lessons on how to stack the wood properly or how to use the splitter or even chainsaw.
day 5 what I receive from others? From my grandmother, I know how to make dreamcatchers. My sister, she knows how to fix computers, so I know somewhat how to fix computers. My parents gave me a warm home to sleep in.
I have received support from friends and family
I have received a lot of support from others especially my coach, teacher, friend, family etc… Everyone is helping me become a whole different person in a good way and I’m thankful for that especially with my education.
“What have I received from others?” I received friend-ship from my good friend Travis, although I can be quite mean to him at times, he bought me and a few others a pizza lunch on the house. I also receive help and encouragement from my peers and teachers at WHS when I need help.
one morning a cat was heard outside our house and we didn’t really pay attention until we found it. we called her “borealis” because it was my niece aurora’s birthday, she was really hungry so we fed her and she didn’t stop eating . the first time i took care of a cat. we gave her food and shelter but not because we wanted to, its because we have to, we all do
I have given a lot of time and energy to help others, for
example, my friends and family I try to be nice and give
materialistic items that hold up most value to them or in
time of need
I help my family around the house with chores and cooking.
Day 6: Reflection. “What have I given to others?”
I personally like to give other’s a welcoming feeling when around.. Sometimes I even help others if they need help.
I have given others support and guidance before and when times are tough, I cheer them up. Almost every day I bring laughter to other people, just by being myself. Maybe sometimes I’ll have to go out of the way to tell a joke but never the less I like making people laugh.
Day 6: Reflection. What have i given to others? i help my grandpa when he needs a hand splitting wood or when he needs help moving stuff around or anyone when they need halp
Day 6: “what have i given to others?”. I try my best to give a little gratitude each day weather its saying thank you or even just a hug.
the things I have done out of gratitude is make a carving out of stone, harvest maple syrup, give fish away to my mom’s side of the family and take care of my little cousins when my aunts want a break
Day 6 what have i given to others? Well, I give advice about art techniques. showing them how to do it.
“What have I given to others?” I’ve been giving emotional support to family members when they need to vent. I also help out around the house when there are chores needed to be done in the house.
i help out as much as i can. if my sister asks for help to bring in firewood. i would go and help her. or if she needs a ride to the store then i would give her a ride to the store. i give up my own time to help others.
What I’ve given to others for a while are care and support. I have shown them that I am here and show that I’m here to show support in many different ways no matter who they are and where they’re from.
I’v noticed a lot of hate in the word, but I also notice there’s love under that hate. I’m grateful that love can be found.
One thing I have noticed in the world that I appreciate is the advancements in medical technology, I only wish that everyone would have access to these marvelous pieces of technology.
I have noticed that the world is a very beautiful and amazing place to be living on, and I am very grateful for Manitoulin island and it’s nice and caring people because it is one of the nicest places I know.
Day 7: What have you noticed recently about the world around you that you are grateful for? what i noticed is the way it looks when i wait outside for my bus and the sun is just coming up and i see the snow do that sparkle on the trees, its very nice. that hasnt happend recently but it did happen and i am very grateful for that view
What have you noticed recently about the world around you that you are grateful for? day 7 I’m thankful for the sunset and how awesome hydrogen looks
Day 7 im grateful for the oxygen i breathe on planet earth
what have you noticed recently about the world around you that you are grateful for. i am grateful to be a mom i am happy to go home and see the excitement on my sons face when i walk in the door.
One thing I’ve noticed and grateful for is the nature around me. When I stayed with my grandma out in South Bay, during the spring or summer I would listen to or watch the animals around me.
What I’ve noticed recently about the world around me is nature. Every morning waking up for school there is always this nice sunset coming up and makes the sky, trees, and snow very beautiful. Sometimes in the mornings, there is icicle’s hanging from the trees or roofs and the sun shines down and makes everything look like a miracle.
I have an abundance of oxygen around me, and I am grateful for that. I say this because if there was no oxygen, I would die.
day 8 What is one abundance in your life today? haha, the only abundant thing in my day right now is work. in all seriousness, I’m grateful for the abundance of insults and truths
the things I am grateful for is my smarts and the roof over my head
I’m grateful for my family; many people have a family, many people don’t have a family, many people have a happy family, many people don’t have a happy family, many people have a poor family and others have a rich family. Whether people have a better family than mine or not, I’m very grateful.
day 8: my great skills on making pancakes and smothies
i have abundance of clean oxygen around here in wiky.
Day 8. What is one abundance in your life today? One abundance in my life would be making scone, most people do not know how to make scone and when i make scone around family and friends they love it, i know i love making scone.
One abundance in my life would be being an athlete. I grew up being a great athlete and I’m grateful I make my family and friends proud.
Another abundance in my life would be having fresh and clean water I am surrounded by.
An abundance in my life would be all the clean water we have in our community. All the basic needs we need like food and shelter are abundances.
Our health can effect our moods; last night I didn’t get enough sleep, but I had a great healthy breakfast which was a smoothie.
my whole life I’ve known that some people have disabilities or something went wrong with there body but its never happened to me and strangely i want to be like that not to be treated differently but to feel what they do every day of there life.
Today I am thankful I am not dead, that may seem pretty vague but once you see the beauty of life… It’s pretty thought-provoking and helpful.
What about your health are you grateful for today? pfft nothing
What about your health are you grateful for today? TOday i am grateful fro my academic courage, this week i wanted to stay home and sleep so i could start my holidays ealry. but im at school now, kinda glad i came because i have some work to catch up on.
I am grateful for my health today because I am in a good mood, and I am feeling happy that the holidays are coming very soon.
i am grateful for having good mental health and “spiritual” health and for having such an energising morning. #12daysofgratitude
this one time the volleyball coach made us do a brutal workout and I think that that was a great for my health and I’m grateful for my good health because I am able to run and play my favourite sports like volleyball and basketball #12daysofgratitude
What is good health and What about my health are you grateful for today?
Day 9: Today i woke up feeling sick but im in a good mood i had a good sleep. I have been working out with the volleyball team and i say it is a good thing to work out with others i am thankful for my body and how i am able to do what i want for myself
Day 9: Celebrate good health. Today i am happy that i have the energy to come to school, that i had a good sleep and that i’m mentally ready for the day
Day 9: Celebrate good health. Today i am happy that i have the energy to come to school, a good night sleep and that i am mentally ready for the day
Today, I am grateful for having a lot of energy. I had lunch today being able to have energy throughout the day. With all the energy I have puts me in a good mood and I feel motivated in school.
celebrate good health. i got a good amount of sleep i had plain coffee and i was on my way to school with good energy
I will give love today by not giving love at all, think about it. If I don’t give love than people will feel stronger and more independent.
To show my love, I will cook supper today.
How will you remember to give love today?
How will you remember to give love today? I will give resources and time to close people and try to appreciate tiny things
I will show my love to others by laughing more with them or talking to those who are lonely and do as much I can to people having a bad day. #12daysofgratitude @wawhsroom121
Day 10. “How will you remember to give love today?” I will remember to give love today by giving people a compliment to make their day. #12daysofGratitude @wasseabinwhs
How will you show love today? I’ll show love today by giving someone a complement about their cloths
How will I show love today?
I will show my love to others by supporting them with positivity, showing the care I have for them and knowing I’m by their side.
I will remember to give love by hanging out with my friends occasionally.
I will express, being gratitude by helping others and talking with others.
Sometimes we forget to be grateful. So, I’m going to set a reminder on my phone to be grateful.
I will remind myself to stay grateful by thinking about how the “basics” of life I posses aren’t the “basics” in other countries. I will do this every Friday morning. I’ll also be thankful for weekends.
to keep myself grateful I will pay it forward every day to multiple people around me any chance I get #12daysofgratitude @wawhsroom121
Day11. “Use reminders, To help you sustain the habit of gratitude using a variety of strategies”
One strategy I use to sustain the habit of gratitude is I look around at those around me and always remember that we aren’t all the same but we can all be treated the same.
i will keep a journal to remind me making, saying to complete my homework by the end of the day or complete assignments by the end of week.
i will set up a quote about gratitude on my lock screen as a reminder for my days to days.
In 2019 I wish to be more grateful and to give more than I receive.
What do you wish for in 2019? Day12 I wish for a happy and grateful year and i wish to go school everyday.
Day 12: what do you wish for in 2019? I wish to appreciate everything that is given to me and show gratitude for it.
What do you wish for in 2019? i wish for a good year and to be kind to others and keep my grades up.
What do you wish for in 2019? I wish for a more impartial version of my self 2
Day 12. “What do you wish for in 2019?”
To be more thankful when gratitude is given to me. I will do that by giving gratitude back to those around me and to those who need it.
What do you wish for in 2019?
I wish to take gratitude more into consideration rather than take it for granted and to appreciate the basic needs in my life.
2019 i wish to cherish the memories that I’m thankful for and grateful for